Digital Advertising Strategy

Digital Advertising Strategy That Meets Every Goal

Digital advertising strategy is critical to the success of every business.  However, strategies differ based on the outcome the business wants.  Whether your business wants to grow revenue, increase awareness, sell a specific product that is underperforming, or recruit new employees, we can help.  Matt Pearson Consulting has over 20 years of experience delivering customized solutions to unique communications goals.  And most importantly, we develop solutions for businesses of all sizes. We offer solutions that are:

  • Highly Targeted
  • Cost Effective
  • Measurable
  • Can Evolve with Changing Business and Market Conditions

We can get the results you need!

Matt explains how MPC gets the right message in front of your best prospects.

Digital Strategy

Successful digital advertising starts with a sound strategy.  We start with a thorough understanding of your business, your competition, and what you want to achieve.  Then, we create a strategy that includes action items and measurable goals. These goals are used throughout the campaign to make sure we stay on strategy and deliver the outcome you want.

Advertising Placement

If the strategy we create includes digital advertising, we can place it for you.  We have a team of experts who specialize in display advertising, paid search, social media, text message blasts, and email marketing.  We offer premium placement at low prices and, most importantly, constantly monitor campaigns to make sure we stay on strategy and deliver on goals.

Website Revenue

Your website is your greatest selling tool.  But did you know that websites can directly generate revenue?  Matt Pearson Consulting can help monetize your website with programs that contribute to your bottom line.  Best of all, they can put dollars in your pocket with little impact on your customer’s user experience.

Case Study | Eye on Tampa Bay (IONTB)

When Eye on Tampa Bay (IONTB), a 10-year-old website specializing in publishing breaking news, wanted to deliver a better user experience, they turned to Matt Pearson Consulting.  MPC designed a local strategy, creating new opportunities for local business to advertise their products and services to a local audience of over 1 million people.

IONTB logo

MPC delivers solutions that solve your problem, create new revenue streams, and make money.